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ABOUT SF/FANTASY20.08., godz. 17:00 - 18:00
The greatest warrior among Polish fantasy writers. Proven in the heat of battle, at conventions, and with the keyboard, for an emergency doctor and a professional soldier, Magda looks quite innocent... Currently, she is a captain in the second search and rescue group in Mińsk Mazowiecki. Injured during her second tour in Afghanistan, she has not given up on further missions. While on a mission in Kuwait, she started writing her latest book, Minas Warsaw. She debuted with Nocarz in 2006, followed up with the sequels: Renegat, Nikt, and Młody. Her other novels include Fiolet (2010), Paskuda (2012), and Łzy diabła (2015). She has several times been nominated to the Zajdel award and to Jerzy Żuławski literary award. She also writes short stories. In 2016, Nocarz, Renegat, Nikt, and Młody were published in English (Nighter, Renegade, Nobody, Inanite).
pic. from the author's archive